Short Bark and Sides prides itself in giving a high quality service to every customer. All groomers are fully qualified, insured and experienced. We only use natural, hypoallergenic shampoo and conditioner on every dog. We offer a wide range of services from full pamper sessions to nail trimming. We pride ourselves on giving high quality grooms by working one-to-one with each dog. Due to this, we often spend more time getting to know your pooch to make them more relaxed in the salon.
We groom to breed standards or owner specific requirements using only professional equipment and techniques. We use a wide variety of quality products and will tailor each groom to your dogs specific needs. Our hydrobath caters to all breeds and sizes. Each dog leaves the salon smelling fresher, looking beautiful and displaying a lovely bow or bandana around their collar.
Please check out our 'About' page to find out more about our groomers.